Attempting to:
>Query Informix via VBScript
>Query always returns -1 records
>Manually queried using MS Query and the same DSN file. Query successfully returns 1 record.
>Changed the DSN and query to Oracle DB and AS400 DB, both work fine.
My code:
"CONST adOpenStatic = 3, adLockReadOnly = 1, adCmdText = &H0001
CONN_STR_01 = "FILEDSN=" & "C:\...\DSN\" & "xxx.dsn;"
uid_01 = "xxx"
pwd_01 = "xxx"
sql_01 = "SELECT * FROM informix.guest t1 WHERE t1.guest_id = 100;"
Function OpenRecordSet(cn_str, uid, pwd, sql)
Dim cn, rs, dbCollection(1)
Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cn.Open cn_str, uid, pwd
Set dbCollection(0) = cn
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open sql, cn, 3, 1, 1
Set dbCollection(1) = rs
OpenRecordSet = dbCollection
Set rs = nothing
Set cn = nothing
End Function
dbCollection = OpenRecordSet(CONN_STR_01, uid_01, pwd_01, sql_01)
Set Conn = dbCollection(0)
Set Rs = dbCollection(1)
maxRecord = Rs.RecordCount - 1
maxField = Rs.Fields.Count - 1
msgbox "Record count SQL: " & Rs.RecordCount
' debug: begin
For ii = 0 to maxRecord
For yy = 0 to maxField
msgbox Rs_00.Fields(yy).Name & " (" & yy & "): " & Rs_00.Fields(yy).Value
' debug: end
>Query Informix via VBScript
>Query always returns -1 records
>Manually queried using MS Query and the same DSN file. Query successfully returns 1 record.
>Changed the DSN and query to Oracle DB and AS400 DB, both work fine.
My code:
"CONST adOpenStatic = 3, adLockReadOnly = 1, adCmdText = &H0001
CONN_STR_01 = "FILEDSN=" & "C:\...\DSN\" & "xxx.dsn;"
uid_01 = "xxx"
pwd_01 = "xxx"
sql_01 = "SELECT * FROM informix.guest t1 WHERE t1.guest_id = 100;"
Function OpenRecordSet(cn_str, uid, pwd, sql)
Dim cn, rs, dbCollection(1)
Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cn.Open cn_str, uid, pwd
Set dbCollection(0) = cn
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open sql, cn, 3, 1, 1
Set dbCollection(1) = rs
OpenRecordSet = dbCollection
Set rs = nothing
Set cn = nothing
End Function
dbCollection = OpenRecordSet(CONN_STR_01, uid_01, pwd_01, sql_01)
Set Conn = dbCollection(0)
Set Rs = dbCollection(1)
maxRecord = Rs.RecordCount - 1
maxField = Rs.Fields.Count - 1
msgbox "Record count SQL: " & Rs.RecordCount
' debug: begin
For ii = 0 to maxRecord
For yy = 0 to maxField
msgbox Rs_00.Fields(yy).Name & " (" & yy & "): " & Rs_00.Fields(yy).Value
' debug: end