Be patient with me as I am a new, very inexperienced user of Access 2000 and my question my be very simply to solve. However, I am an Accountant that has made a database to track the Market Values of our employees 401k’s. I am trying to use a query to Pull the Contract#, Date, MValue, PreviousValue, and Gain/loss. My problem lies in being able to pull the Previous Market Dates’ Market Value into the Previous Value to be able to perform the calculation to get the Gain/Loss for each Contract#.
This is my table structure:
Table: MarketValue
Field Name: MarketValueID (Primary Key)
Data Type: Autonumber
Field Name: Date
Data Type: Date/Time
Field Name: MValue
Date Type: Currency
Field Name: Contract #
Date Type: Text
Table: ContractOwner
Field Name: Contract# (Primary)
Data Type: Text
Field Name: Employee Number
Data Type: Number
Field Name: LastName
Date Type: Text
And so on…
View of table in Market table:
Market ID Date MValue Contract #
1 06/30/2005 35,147.19 200
2 06/30/2005 50,000.00 300
3 09/30/2005 36,000.0 200
4 09/30/2005 48,000.00 300
What I would like to be able to create in a query
Contract # Date MValue PreviousValue Gain/Loss
200 06/30/05 35,147.19
200 09/30/05 36,000.00 35,147.19 852.81
300 06/30/05 50,000.00
300 09/30/05 48,000.00 50,000.00 (2,000.00)
I know how to calculation the Gain/Loss ,
Gain_Loss: [MValue] – [PreviousValue]
I have tried the following Expression using DLookup
PreviousValue: DLookup(“[MValue]”, “MarketValue”, “[ContractNo] =” & [ContractNo] & “ AND [Date] <#” & [Date] & “#”)
I have also tried Making a query placing an Alias on the Date field as Date1
I used the MarketValue Table. Added the ContractNo, Date, and MValue fields
I then set the Alias on the Date Field as Date1
PrevValue: (SELECT [MValue] FROM [MarketValue] WHERE [MarketValue].[ Date] < [Date1].[Date] AND [MarketValue].[ContractNo] = [Date1].[ContractNo])
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
This is my table structure:
Table: MarketValue
Field Name: MarketValueID (Primary Key)
Data Type: Autonumber
Field Name: Date
Data Type: Date/Time
Field Name: MValue
Date Type: Currency
Field Name: Contract #
Date Type: Text
Table: ContractOwner
Field Name: Contract# (Primary)
Data Type: Text
Field Name: Employee Number
Data Type: Number
Field Name: LastName
Date Type: Text
And so on…
View of table in Market table:
Market ID Date MValue Contract #
1 06/30/2005 35,147.19 200
2 06/30/2005 50,000.00 300
3 09/30/2005 36,000.0 200
4 09/30/2005 48,000.00 300
What I would like to be able to create in a query
Contract # Date MValue PreviousValue Gain/Loss
200 06/30/05 35,147.19
200 09/30/05 36,000.00 35,147.19 852.81
300 06/30/05 50,000.00
300 09/30/05 48,000.00 50,000.00 (2,000.00)
I know how to calculation the Gain/Loss ,
Gain_Loss: [MValue] – [PreviousValue]
I have tried the following Expression using DLookup
PreviousValue: DLookup(“[MValue]”, “MarketValue”, “[ContractNo] =” & [ContractNo] & “ AND [Date] <#” & [Date] & “#”)
I have also tried Making a query placing an Alias on the Date field as Date1
I used the MarketValue Table. Added the ContractNo, Date, and MValue fields
I then set the Alias on the Date Field as Date1
PrevValue: (SELECT [MValue] FROM [MarketValue] WHERE [MarketValue].[ Date] < [Date1].[Date] AND [MarketValue].[ContractNo] = [Date1].[ContractNo])
Any help will be greatly appreciated.