I have this query that works but now I want to refine it so that it only selects records in the loaninfo table that do not have a record in the achtransfer table. I not sure how to do that. Here is the query I have now.
Any help greatly appreciated.
I have this query that works but now I want to refine it so that it only selects records in the loaninfo table that do not have a record in the achtransfer table. I not sure how to do that. Here is the query I have now.
SELECT loaninfo.loannumber, loaninfo.investornumber, loaninfo.nextduedate, loaninfo.lastpaymentdate, achtransfer.paymentdate, achtransfer.total_amount
FROM loaninfo LEFT JOIN achtransfer ON loaninfo.loannumber=achtransfer.loannumber
WHERE loaninfo.totaldelinquent > '0' AND loaninfo.upb > '0'
Any help greatly appreciated.