I have a query that contains both an Invoice Number and Line Number field. I would like to display them Invoice Number Ascending meaning the first record is Invoice number 1, the second is 2 etc. I would like to sort the line number the same. The results of the query would thus read Invoice number 1 Line 1, the next record would be Invoice number 1 Line 2. When all lines are displayed for Invoice 1 the go to Invoice number 2 Line 1 and so on.
The problem is if I set both fields sort order to Ascending it displays Invoice 2 line 1 first then invoice 1 lines 1 then 2. In other words the invoice number is not ascending. I have tried all combinations of sort orders with no luck. What am I missing?
The problem is if I set both fields sort order to Ascending it displays Invoice 2 line 1 first then invoice 1 lines 1 then 2. In other words the invoice number is not ascending. I have tried all combinations of sort orders with no luck. What am I missing?