I am working on an Accident Collision Program, which requires tracking accidents that occur in an intersection as well as those that occur between two streets in other words Mid Block Accidents. I have three streets, Base Street, Collision Street and Toward Street when I run a query to count Base Street and Toward Streets I come with with four yet I would like for it to give me the right answer, in this case five, because the base street is sometimes the toward street:
Base Street Toward Street Count
Main Street Assembly Street 4
Assembly Street Main Street 1
There are thousands of accidents, so my query promts for a month and year within which to retrieve this data. I tried a query counting Base St and Toward St and one that counts Toward St and Base St., again I get four. Any help and/or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Base Street Toward Street Count
Main Street Assembly Street 4
Assembly Street Main Street 1
There are thousands of accidents, so my query promts for a month and year within which to retrieve this data. I tried a query counting Base St and Toward St and one that counts Toward St and Base St., again I get four. Any help and/or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.