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Query Remote Registry Key

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May 1, 2007
I found this great script to use but it doesn't seem to execute properly.

' Declare the constantsConst HKLM = &H80000002
' HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEConst REG_SZ = 1 ' String value in registry (Not DWORD)Const ForReading = 1 Const ForWriting = 2
' Set File objects...
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set objDictionary2 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

' Set string variables
strDomain = "DOMAINNAME" ' Your Domain
strPCsFile = "DomainPCs.txt"
strPath = "C:\scripts\" ' Create this folder
strWorkstationID = "C:\scripts\WorkstationID.txt"

If objFSO.FolderExists(strPath) Then
Wscript.Echo "This program will collect Workstation ID on remote compter(s)"
Wscript.Echo "This program will collect Workstation ID on remote compter(s)"
WScript.Echo "Please create folder: <c:\scripts> then click OK."
End If

' Get list of domain PCs - Using above variables.
strMbox = MsgBox("Would you like info for entire domain: DOMAINNAME ?",3,"Hostname")
'an answer of yes will return a value of 6, causing script to collect domain PC infoIf strMbox = 6 ThenSet objPCTXTFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strPath & strPCsFile, ForWriting, True)Set objDomain = GetObject("WinNT://" & strDomain) ' Note LDAP does not workobjDomain.Filter = Array("Computer")For Each pcObject In objDomainobjPCTXTFile.WriteLine pcObject.NameNextobjPCTXTFile.closeElse
'an answer of no will prompt user to input name of computer to scan and create PC file
strHost = InputBox("Enter the computer you wish to get Workstation ID","Hostname"," ")
Set strFile = objfso.CreateTextFile(strPath & strPCsFile, True)
End If

' Read list of computers from strPCsFile into objDictionary
Set readPCFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strPath & strPCsFile, ForReading)
i = 0
Do Until readPCFile.AtEndOfStream
strNextLine = readPCFile.Readline
objDictionary.Add i, strNextLine
i = i + 1

' Run the procedure defined in the Sub routine GetWorkstationID()

For each DomainPC in objDictionary
strComputer = objDictionary.Item(DomainPC)

Set objFilesystem = Nothing

WScript.echo "Finished Scanning Network check : " & strPath

Sub GetWorkstationID()

On Error Resume next

' WMI connection to the operating system note StdRegProv
Set objReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & _
strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")

If Err <> "0" Then
Exit Sub
End If

' Registry paths which hold the WorkstationID information.
unKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy\AppMgmt\{fae450a5-a221-4b05-9edb-de2f210db2ec}"
unValueName = ("Deployment Name")

' Enumerate Registry subkey paths for WorkstationID.
'objReg.EnumKey HKLM, unKeyPath
Set objTextFile1 = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strWorkstationID, ForWriting,True)
'For Each Subkey in arrSubKeys
objTextFile1.WriteLine (unKeyPath & (Enter))

' Read Registry info stored in the strWorkstationID file
Set objTextFile3 = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strWorkstationID, ForReading)

'pipe the WorkstationID paths from the WorkstationID.txt file into a second dictionary
i = 0
Do Until objTextFile3.AtEndOfStream
strNextLine = objTextFile3.Readline
objDictionary2.Add i, strNextLine
i = i + 1

' These paths are used in the filenames you see in the strPath
pcName = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ActiveComputerName\"
pcNameValueName = "ComputerName"
userPath = "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\"
userValueName = "DefaultUserName"
objReg.GetStringValue HKLM,pcName,pcNameValueName,pcValue
objReg.GetStringValue HKLM,userPath,userValueName,userValue

' Build up the filename found in the strPath
strFileName = UserValue & "_" & "On" & "_" & PCValue & "_" & "Workstation ID" _
& year(date()) & right("0" & month(date()),2) _
& right("0" & day(date()),2) & ".txt"

' Write each PC's software info file...
Set objTextFile2 = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strPath & strFileName, ForWriting, True)
' Writing info to the corresponding Software info file...
objTextFile2.WriteLine(vbCRLF & "==============================" & vbCRLF & _
"Current Workstation ID " & vbCRLF & Time & vbCRLF & Date _
& vbCRLF & "ID for:" & "" & userValue & vbCRLF & "On System:" _
& "" & pcValue & vbCRLF & "----------------------------------------" & vbCRLF)

' First enumeration also clean up if error exists (Second enumaration omitted)
For Each objItem in objDictionary2
strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy\AppMgmt\{fae450a5-a221-4b05-9edb-de2f210db2ec}"
objReg.GetstringValue HKLM ,strKeyPath, unValueName, strValue
objTextFile2.WriteLine (strValue)
If Err Then
End If

End Subwscript.Quit

I get a error on:
Line 31, Char 1, Expected Statement

If I remove the "End If" statement I get the following error on the lat line: Line 120, Char 5, Expected 'Sub'

Any help would be appreciated...Thanks!
Lot of EndOfLine missing in your code.

Hope This Helps, PH.

Thanks for the quick response. However, that info really doesn't help me. I have zero scripting experience and don't really know the VB syntax at all.

So it appears this script is missing a lot of "EndofLine" syntax? Is that correct?
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