I apologize if the topic isn't quite clear enough. I'm working with a form where I'm trying to create multiple 'blocks' of form that appear on screen. (That is, there are multiple segments that can fill the same slot [via run-time "*.align := alClient"].) In trying to get enough room on the form to work with these, I'm shifting everything over sideways and down, vastly expanding the size of the form. (These will all be invisible during runtime, except for whatever one is being shown at the moment.)
I've got three blocks up so far, all of them identical in base structure, and I'm running into a rather strange problem. Each 'block' consists of a single groupbox, with three more groupboxes on it (alLeft, alClient, alRight). With the exception of the first groupbox (the one I originally dropped into place on the screen) and the three on it, whenever I drop a component on the boxes, it seems to disappear. The name appears in the treeview, and clicking on it there does bring up the properties. It's here the problem lies, although how I'm not quite sure; either the Left value or the Top value is always something screwy; I've seen three or four negative multi-hundred (-700 < x < -400) values, and similarly sized, sometimes even larger, positive values. (I've seen a couple of positive values > 1100.) This only appears to happen when the new component is dropped on a group box, or when I try to move a component already sitting on a group box.
Does anyone have any solutions as to what might be causing this, or how I can get it to stop? It's somewhat annoying trying to work with the components when an accidental slight shift in position can make them vanish.
I've got three blocks up so far, all of them identical in base structure, and I'm running into a rather strange problem. Each 'block' consists of a single groupbox, with three more groupboxes on it (alLeft, alClient, alRight). With the exception of the first groupbox (the one I originally dropped into place on the screen) and the three on it, whenever I drop a component on the boxes, it seems to disappear. The name appears in the treeview, and clicking on it there does bring up the properties. It's here the problem lies, although how I'm not quite sure; either the Left value or the Top value is always something screwy; I've seen three or four negative multi-hundred (-700 < x < -400) values, and similarly sized, sometimes even larger, positive values. (I've seen a couple of positive values > 1100.) This only appears to happen when the new component is dropped on a group box, or when I try to move a component already sitting on a group box.
Does anyone have any solutions as to what might be causing this, or how I can get it to stop? It's somewhat annoying trying to work with the components when an accidental slight shift in position can make them vanish.