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Query Expressions

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Technical User
Jul 13, 2004
I have created an expression in a query using an IIF statement. But i am having a problem because the text is being truncated. The information coming in is set to Memo type but a character length is being set once it comes into the query expression. How can i get around this and stop the information from being cut off?
The portion of the SQL that includes this expresssion is here:

IIf(IsNull([tblParagraph]![TEXT]),"The text for this paragraph has not yet been entered into the databse",[tblParagraph]![TEXT]) AS Expr3

tblParagrpah.TEXT is of Memo type but is being truncated.
Have you tried this ?
Nz(tblParagraph.TEXT, "The text for this paragraph has not yet been entered into the databse") AS Expr3

Hope This Helps, PH.
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Yes i have tried this, thanks you for your efforts but i am still getting the same problem. It seems that these expressions are turnign a memo type into a 255 character text type.
Any more ideas?
See your point. If you do TST:[TEXT] you get a memo. If you do an IIF, you get a text. Can't immediately see an answer apart from do two passes into a memo field.

How could i use a TST:[TEXT] to attempt to solve this problem?
. You can't. I was just pointing out if you assign a value to another field it preserves the format but not if you introduce IIF.

My solution is to update/insert all the values WHERE TEXT Is Not Null then insert/update "The text for this paragraph has not yet been entered into the databse",for all records WHERE TEXT Is Null.

can you use that TST:[TEXT] within a UNION query?


I can't find any definition of IIF. Access may be good but its documentation is disorganised, unprofessional and incomplete.

BNPMike is absolutely right. The 'Help' file in Acc2k and up hardly deserves the name, Acc97 was much better.

Try your IIf statement or query with a text field on a form.

I've had a similar issue with a db supposed to extract data from emails, based on certain keywords in the mail, in specified OL folders.
Mails are imported into a temp table, mail body into memo field [Contents].

Records appear to be cut off in any qry, too, but will be displayed completely in a form's text field.

In my case,

Tab = Chr(9)
LineFeed = Chr(10)
CarriageReturn = Chr(13)

are causing the problem, CarriageReturn being the worst.

Using an expression, or multiple expressions, like


in a qry returns a compacted string that's searchable for keywords.

Some assembly required:

'[URL unfurl="true"]http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;210433&Product=acc2000[/URL]
'Code modified
' The following functions will:
'   - Find the specified characters in a Text or Memo field.
'   - Call another function to replace them.

Function FindCarriageRepl(WhichField As String) As String
   Dim intCounter As Integer
   Dim strText As String
   Dim intstart As Integer
   intstart = 1
   intCounter = 1
   strText = WhichField
   Do Until intCounter = 0
      ' Chr(13) is the Carriage character.
      ' Replace Chr(13) with the ANSI code for the character
      ' you are searching for.
      intCounter = InStr(intstart, strText, Chr(13))
      intstart = intCounter + 1
      If intCounter > 0 And Not IsNull(intCounter) Then
         strText = ReplaceCarriage(intCounter, strText)
         ''--Chr(167) § /Chr(13)
      End If
   FindCarriageRepl = strText
End Function

Function FindLineFeedRepl(WhichField As String) As String
   Dim intCounter As Integer
   Dim strText As String
   Dim intstart As Integer
   intstart = 1
   intCounter = 1
   strText = WhichField
   Do Until intCounter = 0
      ' Chr(10) is the LineFeed character.
      ' Replace Chr(10) with the ANSI code for the character
      ' you are searching for.
      intCounter = InStr(intstart, strText, Chr(10))
      intstart = intCounter + 1
      If intCounter > 0 And Not IsNull(intCounter) Then
         strText = ReplaceLineFeeds(intCounter, strText)
         ''--Chr(216) Ø /Chr(10)
      End If
   FindLineFeedRepl = strText
End Function

Function FindTabsRepl(WhichField As String) As String
   Dim intCounter As Integer
   Dim strText As String
   Dim intstart As Integer
   intstart = 1
   intCounter = 1
   strText = WhichField
   Do Until intCounter = 0
      ' Chr(9) is the Tab character.
      ' Replace Chr(9) with the ANSI code for the character
      ' you are searching for.
      intCounter = InStr(intstart, strText, Chr(9))
      intstart = intCounter + 1
      If intCounter > 0 And Not IsNull(intCounter) Then
         strText = ReplaceTabs(intCounter, strText)
         ''--Chr(191) ¿ /Chr(9)
      End If
   FindTabsRepl = strText
End Function

' The following functions are called from the functions above . They
' accept two arguments, intStart and strText. The functions replace specified characters
' with characters you choose and return the updated text.
Function ReplaceCarriage(intstart As Integer, strText As String) As String
   ' Replace % with the character you want to substitute.
   '--Chr(191) ¿ /Chr(9)
   '--Chr(216) Ø /Chr(10)
   '--Chr(167) § /Chr(13)
   Mid(strText, intstart, 1) = Chr(32) 'Chr(167)
   ReplaceCarriage = strText
End Function

Function ReplaceLineFeeds(intstart As Integer, strText As String) As String
   ' Replace % with the character you want to substitute.
   '--Chr(191) ¿ /Chr(9)
   '--Chr(216) Ø /Chr(10)
   '--Chr(167) § /Chr(13)
   Mid(strText, intstart, 1) = Chr(32) 'Chr(216)
   ReplaceLineFeeds = strText
End Function

Function ReplaceTabs(intstart As Integer, strText As String) As String
   ' Replace % with the character you want to substitute.
   '--Chr(191) ¿ /Chr(9)
   '--Chr(216) Ø /Chr(10)
   '--Chr(167) § /Chr(13)
   Mid(strText, intstart, 1) = Chr(32) ' Chr(191)
   ReplaceTabs = strText
End Function

' ' Function StripString()
'[URL unfurl="true"]http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;210227[/URL]
'Code modified
' Returns a string minus a set of specified chars.
' Function only removes only (<> replace), may result in a long string !
Function StripString(MyStr As Variant) As Variant
   On Error GoTo StripStringError

   Dim strChar As String, strHoldString As String
   Dim i As Integer

   ' Exit if the passed value is null.
   If IsNull(MyStr) Then Exit Function

   ' Exit if the passed value is not a string.
   If varType(MyStr) <> 8 Then Exit Function

   ' Check each value for invalid characters.
   For i = 1 To Len(MyStr)
      strChar = Mid$(MyStr, i, 1)
      Select Case strChar
      'Chr(9)= Tab
      'Chr(10)= LineFeed
      'Chr(13)= CarriageReturn
      'Chr(34)= "
      'Chr(60)= <
      'Chr(62)= >
         Case Chr$(13), Chr$(10), Chr$(9), Chr$(34), Chr$(60), Chr$(62)   'also accepts, eg: ".", "#", ",", "-"
            ' Do nothing
         Case Else
            strHoldString = strHoldString & strChar
      End Select
   Next i

   ' Pass back corrected string.
   StripString = strHoldString

   Exit Function

   MsgBox Error$
   Resume StripStringEnd
End Function

Maybe you can somehow use it to solve your problem,

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