I'm trying to develop a query that includes all records within a date range that the user specifies. I've done this before by entering a [Start Date] and [End Date] query ask parameter but I'm trying to make it more user friendly so I'm trying to grab a start & end date from a calendar form I have. I put the following formula in the query's criteria field: >=[Forms]![frmDate]![StartDate] And <=[Forms]![frmDate]![EndDate] -- Keep in mind, my "frmDate" form has a start date field & an end date field. Next to each field is a calendar button that opens the calendar form in pop-up mode.
Unfotunately this is not working. When I run the query I get an enter parameter value dialog box instead of my frmDate form starting up. How do I get my frmDate form to automatically start up when I run this query?!
Unfotunately this is not working. When I run the query I get an enter parameter value dialog box instead of my frmDate form starting up. How do I get my frmDate form to automatically start up when I run this query?!