In an offline copy of our DB (Access 2000) I built a query to tally certain records per employee and give percentages for metrics evaluation. The string is;
SELECT qryTechMetrics_RawData.[Tech #], Count(qryTechMetrics_RawData.[Install Date]) AS [CountOfInstall Date], Sum(qryTechMetrics_RawData.Points) AS SumOfPoints, Count([Job_Status]="cmp") AS Completed, Count([Job_Status]="cmp")/[CountOfInstall Date] AS [Complete Ratio], Count(qryTechMetrics_RawData.Call_Date) AS CountOfCall_Date, 1-[CountOfCall_Date]/Count([Job_Status]="cmp") AS [TC Ratio], Count([Missed]="Not Null") AS [Total Missed], 1-Count([Missed]="Not Null")/[CountOfInstall Date] AS [Missed Ratio]
FROM qryTechMetrics_RawData
GROUP BY qryTechMetrics_RawData.[Tech #]
ORDER BY qryTechMetrics_RawData.[Tech #];
This worked fine and all calc's were accurate. I imported the query into the running DB and it will not correctly calculate the "Count([Job_Status]="cmp") AS Completed" portion. Instead it is giving me the same # as "[CountOfInstall Date]". It appears to not be addressing the filter for "cmp" in the string. I even went as far as rewriting the entire thing in the live DB with the same results.
SELECT qryTechMetrics_RawData.[Tech #], Count(qryTechMetrics_RawData.[Install Date]) AS [CountOfInstall Date], Sum(qryTechMetrics_RawData.Points) AS SumOfPoints, Count([Job_Status]="cmp") AS Completed, Count([Job_Status]="cmp")/[CountOfInstall Date] AS [Complete Ratio], Count(qryTechMetrics_RawData.Call_Date) AS CountOfCall_Date, 1-[CountOfCall_Date]/Count([Job_Status]="cmp") AS [TC Ratio], Count([Missed]="Not Null") AS [Total Missed], 1-Count([Missed]="Not Null")/[CountOfInstall Date] AS [Missed Ratio]
FROM qryTechMetrics_RawData
GROUP BY qryTechMetrics_RawData.[Tech #]
ORDER BY qryTechMetrics_RawData.[Tech #];
This worked fine and all calc's were accurate. I imported the query into the running DB and it will not correctly calculate the "Count([Job_Status]="cmp") AS Completed" portion. Instead it is giving me the same # as "[CountOfInstall Date]". It appears to not be addressing the filter for "cmp" in the string. I even went as far as rewriting the entire thing in the live DB with the same results.