I have written an Access database for books which contains several tables consisting entirely of keywords which describe features of each book - separate tables for different subjects. Information on keywords is fed into the database by clicking check boxes - so each keyword field has a yes/no value.
I want to be able to:
1) Query this database by keyword
2)Do this on a HTML form so that the information will be available on the WWW. I have set up a query by form containing:
1) input form with text box and submit button.
2)Submit button triggers query using the input form field - this works OK but the returned data is a list of fields regardless of entered values - no selection is carried out. This query consists of the line
Expr1: [Forms]![Form1]![key1]
entered in the field box of the query form - how can I select a list of records which are selected for the 'yes' value only? I feel I am nearly at the solution for this one but there is a piece of the jigsaw missing!
Any ideas for a good resource which deals with this topis or any help for this problem would be much appreciated Graham