I am using CR 8.5, SQL Server, OLE Db driver. I have a Db field ({Corrected_Date}) that is a String. The format disregards leading zeros except for minutes and seconds.: 1/1/2006 2:09:07AM 10/2/2005 2:43:00PM etc.... I am searching for records corrected between two Dates, or DateTimes, (2 parameters: FromDate & ToDate). I've tried many variations and conversions of the parameters and the selection statement. This report will run on my desktop using Crystal Reports just fine. But when I try to load it into the PowerScribe application for others to run the report, it fails. Most of their canned reports use a date range. (1 for Today, 2 for Last Full Week, 3 for...etc.). Our Db guy is seeing this error, (I'm assuming in the event viewer of the server):
Any ideas or help would be great.
Any ideas or help would be great.