Just moved from Quark 6-Quark 7. Print styles were unable to be imported from 6, so they have to be recreated with much difficulty.
I found the File>Export PDF but is there a way to attach a short cut key to it?
All printer styles are listed in the output style dialog box but are not visible through both the export pdf and print dialog box. Any thoughts? I would like both settings visible in both places without duplicating my efforts.
Printing PDF through Printer Dialog box, not Export PDF gives me both my File name and my layout name, how do i solve this? I went to pdf within preferences but that only worked to fix the dual name through Export PDF and not save PDF through the printer dialog box.
Your help is appreciated.
Just moved from Quark 6-Quark 7. Print styles were unable to be imported from 6, so they have to be recreated with much difficulty.
I found the File>Export PDF but is there a way to attach a short cut key to it?
All printer styles are listed in the output style dialog box but are not visible through both the export pdf and print dialog box. Any thoughts? I would like both settings visible in both places without duplicating my efforts.
Printing PDF through Printer Dialog box, not Export PDF gives me both my File name and my layout name, how do i solve this? I went to pdf within preferences but that only worked to fix the dual name through Export PDF and not save PDF through the printer dialog box.
Your help is appreciated.