Does anyone know anything in general that would cause QSR Automations KDS to give the error message "Transaction Manager: Ignoring Totaled message due to KDS setting"? I am using Aloha 5.3.21 and QSR Automations KDS 7. I have orders that will not show up on the display screens until they are cashed out. Once they are cashed out they pop up. I have looked over the KDS settings and made sure they were correct with other restaurants that I manage. I even swapped in KDS files from a another restaurant that works fine. I have spoken with the QSR support before and went through the process of sending them files and data captures but they could never come up with a solution. I have had this problem before at a few other restaurants and the file swapped worked before but it wont work this time. Just wondering if anyone else has had this happen or knows of anything that might cause it. Thank you.