I have three forms called Videos Video transactions and members. I wannt to run a qry so that when they view that particlue members infor only the videos that they have taken out will be displayed in a subform.<br><br>Can anyone help?<br>
Sounds like building a form/subform will help. 1st build a form based on the Members table. Making sure to include the MembersID field.<br><br>Then build a form based on the Video Transaction table. (I'm assuming there is a Members ID field in the Video Transaction table that links the two tables.) You can set this second form up as a datasheet form. <br><br>Then open the 1st form (Members) up in design view and position the window so you can also see the Database Window, Forms tab. Click and drag the 2nd form (Video Transactions) to a blank area. You may be asked which fields contain the linking data. If not, check the Properties of the second form and make sure Master and Child Links are set to that matching field. Check it out in Form view! <br><br>
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