I am using this API to pull the Max number of members allowed in a file and the Current number of records in a file. I am using the API correctly and everything with this as my return variable from the User Space.
D FileInfo DS Based(UsrSpcPtr)
D MaxMbrs 2b 0 Overlay(FileInfo:42)
D CurMbrs 2b 0 Overlay(FileInfo:48)
now this works great and gives me the information I am looking for. BUT there are files with over 100 Max Records and it blows up because the value is too small to hold it. IBM says here That it is a 2 binary field and should hold all the way up to 32,000+. But I can't find a way to define these fields to pull the right information besides as described abover, but the field in only 2 big. Can anyone help me determine how to get the Max Member and Current Members? Thanks A LOT for the help I am on a deadline lol.
D FileInfo DS Based(UsrSpcPtr)
D MaxMbrs 2b 0 Overlay(FileInfo:42)
D CurMbrs 2b 0 Overlay(FileInfo:48)
now this works great and gives me the information I am looking for. BUT there are files with over 100 Max Records and it blows up because the value is too small to hold it. IBM says here That it is a 2 binary field and should hold all the way up to 32,000+. But I can't find a way to define these fields to pull the right information besides as described abover, but the field in only 2 big. Can anyone help me determine how to get the Max Member and Current Members? Thanks A LOT for the help I am on a deadline lol.