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PXE Error!

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Dec 29, 2004
This error is "PXE-E61 Media Test Failure, Check Cable". I guess this is a network boot problem.

Here is the history:

The computer I have had the HDD go bad. I knew this due to some of the blue screen errors I was getting in XP (due to those problem numbers.) So I got a new HDD for it. I had a hard time having the HDD to be found (Note: the new HDD is going into a Dell that the warranty is long gone on.) So, I put it in my other machine, get it formatted. I then go to put Windows 98 on the computer and everything goes fine. I then upgrade to XP. I left for a few hours and everything was fine. The computer did NOT have a problem finding the HDD during the installs of EITHER OS. I figured I would just shut off the Dell for the night, but then wanted to do something on it quickly. I went to turn it on, and that is when I got the PXE error. I have (to what I can see) disabled any Networking Booting. I have even ran the XP install again, and when it should be bringing up the GUI, it's not.

I guess what I am asking, do you think that this is Hardware related, BIOS related, Software related or what? I'm not really in an area where I could put a new MB in it due to the fact that it is not mine. I am just trying to fix about 3 months worth of virsus and plain mis-handling of the computer. Any help is needed/wanted! Thanks!
I would suggest...

1.) clear CMOS... Then load default values... exit and save... replace the battery...
2.) replace IDE cable, preferable an 80 lead version (ata 66 and above)...
3.) if the above don't work, check the PSU... if the new PSU doesn't fix it, then mostlikely the IDE controller on the mobo is going bad...


If it works don't fix it! If it doesn't use a sledgehammer...
I cleared the CMOS, disabled any type of network booting (after the CMOS clear), and messed around with the jumpers on the HDD, and it works! I guess that Dell machines only use cable select for the HDD's...and I did not know that.
Yea ure right jdrunt. Dell machines always are shipped with HDD's on CS, even with two HDD's. And changing them to Master/Slave sometimes will cause one of em not to show. dont know why, Michael Dell might know.

but anyways those PXE errors dont really mean much. theres also a PXE-error that says ummmm(damn i just forgot that quick) but basically it checks to see if you have an RJ-45 cable in your ethernet jack, and if you dont you'll get the error that I just so hoplessly forgot.
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