Here's the deal. For some reason, I can't image computers with PRO/1000 NIC cards using PXE boot in the building where my office is. Computers with PRO/100 NIC cards aren't a problem. If I got to any other building, including other buildings on the same VLAN as my office, they image fine.
What happens during the PXE boot is that everything goes fine up until the imaging engine tries to obtain an IP address from the DHCP server. It will fail everytime. But like I said, this only happens with computers that have gigabit NIC cards and only in my building.
Any ideas?
What happens during the PXE boot is that everything goes fine up until the imaging engine tries to obtain an IP address from the DHCP server. It will fail everytime. But like I said, this only happens with computers that have gigabit NIC cards and only in my building.
Any ideas?