Hi PP48 Rep,
I have been using the ProcommPlus "pwtitlebar" command for some time now with no issue, but as time goes on I have kept on expanding my string length out to now over 100 chars.
- When I pass a %d or %i string variable into a func that displays to this titlebar, after 100 str len, I get back a
huge like 8 character number even though I am initializing this var = 0 for debugging purposes.
- I read the spec, and it states 64 char is the limit but I can get it work way over 120 chars, but now I think I finally pushed past some programming limitiation.
- Any ideas on the subject or inside knowledge of pwtitlebar you could share would be appreciated ....
- BillL
I have been using the ProcommPlus "pwtitlebar" command for some time now with no issue, but as time goes on I have kept on expanding my string length out to now over 100 chars.
- When I pass a %d or %i string variable into a func that displays to this titlebar, after 100 str len, I get back a
huge like 8 character number even though I am initializing this var = 0 for debugging purposes.
- I read the spec, and it states 64 char is the limit but I can get it work way over 120 chars, but now I think I finally pushed past some programming limitiation.
- Any ideas on the subject or inside knowledge of pwtitlebar you could share would be appreciated ....
- BillL