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Jun 20, 2000
I've moved my pages to the server... so moved from PWS on my PC to the IIS 4 on our web server. I get this error and wondering what is wrong with my SQL that IIS doesn't like but PWS does...

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Operation must use an updateable query.

My SQL string:

UPDATE tblpds_projects SET Title = 'Totally New Project ', description= 'Lots of stuff going out. ', scope = 'worldwide', postscript = 0, pcl = 0, printing_system = -1, iadd = -1, products = 'lj2100', future = 'Spring 2002', win95 = 0, win98 = 0, winme = 0, winnt = 0, win2k = -1, winxp = -1, mac8and9 = 0, macx = 0, linux = -1, hpux = 0, otheros = ' ', langnum = 23, deliverables = 'Web', dependencies = 'Lab', weblivedate = '9/1/01', otherdate = NULL WHERE pds_id = 657;

Any thoughts anyone?? Mary :)

Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff.
Rule 2: EVERYTHING is small stuff!! X-)
Okay, now this redirect page doesn't want to work now. It worked in PWS. SO here is what I have

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<% response.buffer = true %>
'On Error Resume Next

Dim Password
Dim UserEmail
Dim strSQL
Dim omRST
UserEmail = Request.form(&quot;lemail&quot;)
strSQL = &quot;SELECT email1 FROM tblPDS_customer WHERE (email1= '&quot; & UserEmail
strSQL = strSQL & &quot;');&quot;

set omRST = server.createobject(&quot;ADODB.Recordset&quot;)
omRST.open strSQL, &quot;DSN=PDS&quot;

response.redirect &quot;pds_custPDSsel.asp?lemail=&quot; & UserEmail
response.redirect &quot;pds_userretry.asp&quot;
end if

And here is error message I get...

Provider error '80004005'

Unspecified error

/pds/pds-new/asp/pds_userverify.asp, line 15

As you can see, it's giving me no info. But what does seem to be happening is that although the login email is being captured, the other field of that same record is not being pulled.

(I figured this out when I forced it to go to the pds_custPDSsel.asp page.. I did a response write on the sql and the sql shows the email address... but won't show the data in another field of the same record.)

Clues anyone???? Mary :)

Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff.
Rule 2: EVERYTHING is small stuff!! X-)
Nevermind... seems it doesn't like DSN connections. I made a DSN-less connection and the thing seems to working a little bit better now. Mary :)

Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff.
Rule 2: EVERYTHING is small stuff!! X-)
Tesla, this is for your second post.

I was having the exact same issue tring to connect to a MSAccess database. Although I never did get to research that actual reason, I did update my ODBC Drivers and that cleared it right up. Just a thought.

If anyone has a more technical response I would love to hear it. A link will do fine also, THANKS !!!

i hope u done dsnless connection like the following method

dsn= &quot;DBQ=&quot; & Server.MapPath(&quot;db/ursdatabase.mdb&quot;) &&quot;;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};&quot;

i think its ur sql query problem.it doesnt retrun any thing.so that if conditon does not redirect.

i made some correction in the query,please check with that and mail me if it is worked.
strSQL = &quot;SELECT email1 FROM tblPDS_customer
WHERE email1= '&quot; & UserEmail &&quot;' and strSQL ='&quot;& strSQL &&quot;')&quot;

with regards
webspy(raghu- raghuram23@hotmail.com)
This is my connection that seems to make it a happy camper...

<% set omConn = server.createobject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;)
omConn.connectionstring = &quot;DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}&quot;
omConn.connectionstring = omConn.connectionstring & &quot;;DBQ=g:\inetpub\omConn.Open

%> Mary :)

Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff.
Rule 2: EVERYTHING is small stuff!! X-)
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