Maybe this is an old subject but searching did not turn up anything.
We are on MSSQL 7.6.100a and just went through a crash of the SQL server. Not 100% sure of the problem but we have lots of users that have many Macola windows open at any given time. This may not be related. We recently upgraded the Macola servers and are enjoying the improved performance. Our busy season is just about upon us so we will see how it really going to work.
Would having the users start to use PWE offer any benefit? In the past, our VAR advised to stay away from it. I see the what it offers but also know that in the past, we had issues with it and it would not operate correctly for all users (would not load).
We are on MSSQL 7.6.100a and just went through a crash of the SQL server. Not 100% sure of the problem but we have lots of users that have many Macola windows open at any given time. This may not be related. We recently upgraded the Macola servers and are enjoying the improved performance. Our busy season is just about upon us so we will see how it really going to work.
Would having the users start to use PWE offer any benefit? In the past, our VAR advised to stay away from it. I see the what it offers but also know that in the past, we had issues with it and it would not operate correctly for all users (would not load).