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Pv136T Drives upgrade within a San enviroment

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Sep 16, 2005

We have a Dell PV136T which had four Lto2 drives, we then removed two drives and added four Lto3 drives with the correct bios revision. All Nb Servers are Win2003 NB 5.1 Mp5. One master server, three media servers, all San attached, the three media servers are within a M$ cluster, the master server is not clustered.

All the drives are detected on the master server & media servers, the three media servers can all see the same drives down the same paths as I re-configured SSO, I then checked by running tpconfig -l on each server.
First problem it seems is that the Lto3 drives when trying to use the Master server to back up a client over the network, go in a down state. I then took the each drive down on each of the media servers andthe Master and backed up using one drive per backup, it seems that I can only back up to one of the four drives. The hcart2 drives work perfectly, these I can still back up through the San and over the network without any problems. I've been looking at the bptm logs on the NB Master, it seems it trys to mount a drive, which it can't, it then freezes the media, then trys the next drive.
I've checked the Pv136T its self, and there seems to be no errors apparent. I'd say if it was one drive, then it could be hardware related.
Am I right in thinking if it were a cable problem that I'd not be able to see the drives at all within windows or NB?

My next task is to create storage units that represent clustered resources, as the 3 media servers are San attached and are also within a M$ Cluster. The original engineer used bpstuadd I think, these seem to be storage units that can't be configured within the Gui, but were created via cmd line, I'm going to need to remove my current virtual storage units that use Hcart2 and re-create them for hcart3.

I think the first task will be to get the other three drives up, intially I thought it was due to NB seeing each drive under a different index for each media server. The drive path, and rb dr number and index are consistent. Could someone also enlighten me as to what the drive index represents?

Where shall I start, I've updated the Global device Db and rebooted the master server, which logs should I enable to get a better idea to fix the three Lto3 drives?

Which white paper is best to read to reconfig my virtual/clustered resource storage units?

Thanks for any pointers
Before I go in depth with this, why in the world are your media servers in a 3 way cluster and the Master not even protected? The engineering on this does not make any sense for the use of only 4 drives.
NetBackup its self is not clustered, we are using a Microsoft cluster with three nodes in a active passive enviroment. Each node is a media server, so we can back up over the SAN, then we used SSO to configuire the drives.
ATM I'm getting an error of-
Only one lto3 drive works out of four.

Warning bptm(pid=1392) media id 000354 is unavailable (in a DOWN drive, misplaced, or not available for another reason), attempting retry with a different media id.

Veritas states that you should check that your drive indexes are consistent, which they are.
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