bn = "_root.tri" add n;
duplicateMovieClip ("_root.tri", bn, n);
setProperty (bn, _x, Number(getproperty(_root.John.Henry, _x))+250);
setProperty (bn, _y, Number(getproperty(_root.John.Henry, _y))+250);
n = Number(n)+1;
set (bn add ":n", n);
This is pretty much straight from the duplicatemovieclip example in flash 5. Only the variables have changed.
What I have is a movie instance traveling on a motion guide (John.Henry) that I extract _x & _y from to put the other movie clip on. And all it does right now is follow the motion guide as if it were designed inside the original instance.
What I need it to do is get the x,y and paste the movie in those coordinates, and let it play til it dies and continue on.
What am I doing wrong here. Or what else can I be doing?
Martin I don't suffer from insanity.
I enjoy every minute of it.