I want to put a delay into a thread for n millisecunds. I can't use the sleep instruction because it stops all my application (all the threads). I've thought using a timer, but is there an equivalent instruction to ProcessMessages in a thread?
Thanks answering. I'm sure I'm in my thread. I create it and put the priority to tpLower. Still my app is stopping when I put sleep in the thread.
Procedure TAnimation.StartMoving;
var x, y: Integer;
If TheStep=0 then TheStep:=1;
For x:=1 To TheStep Do
TheImage.Left:=TheLeft1+(x*(TheLeft2-TheLeft1) div x);
TheImage.Top:=TheTop1+(x*(TheTop2-TheTop1) div x);
And Here's where I create the thread in the main code:
i:=Max(abs(TheImage.Left-370) div 30,abs(TheImage.Top-150) div 30);
TheThreadAnimation:=TAnimation.Create(TheImage, i, 370, 150, TheImage.Left, TheImage.Top);
TheThreadAnimation.Priority:= tpLower;
I suppose you want to do a sort of animation, and the image is placed onto the main form right?
one important rule when doing threaded animation : you need synchronization between the main thread and the animation thread, because the drawing takes place in the main thread.
in fact doing a simple animation, a simple TTimer would be enough. if you need a super responsive app and have a complicated animation, you can use a threaded timer like this one :
my bad, that first link was indeed a CBuilder component.
anyway, a quick google search will reveal some components.
my point is : I don't think you need a thread in this case and your problem can be solved with a simple TTimer.
if you want to do FAST animations AND a responsive app, then maybe you'll need threads. remember that most games (even 3D games) are still single threaded...
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