This is my code:
m.path = FULLPATH('gctrl2.dbf')
m.path2 = LEFT(m.path,LEN(m.path)-10)
mfile = m.path2 + 'KnoxGS' + LEFT(DTOC(DATE()),2) + SUBSTR(DTOC(DATE()),4,2) + RIGHT(DTOC(DATE()),2)
mfile = gcpath + 'GSPAYMENT_DATE_' + STR(YEAR(DATE()),4,0) + LEFT(DTOC(DATE()),2) + SUBSTR(DTOC(DATE()),4,2)
mfilename = PUTFILE("Prepare Update File", mfile, "txt")
On some computers it works as I would expect and brings up the window in the correct directory with the correct file name. On others it acts as though mfile doesn't exist and has no file name and is in a different directory, even though in debugging mfile is the same on both the computers where it works and where it doesn't. What am I missing?
m.path = FULLPATH('gctrl2.dbf')
m.path2 = LEFT(m.path,LEN(m.path)-10)
mfile = m.path2 + 'KnoxGS' + LEFT(DTOC(DATE()),2) + SUBSTR(DTOC(DATE()),4,2) + RIGHT(DTOC(DATE()),2)
mfile = gcpath + 'GSPAYMENT_DATE_' + STR(YEAR(DATE()),4,0) + LEFT(DTOC(DATE()),2) + SUBSTR(DTOC(DATE()),4,2)
mfilename = PUTFILE("Prepare Update File", mfile, "txt")
On some computers it works as I would expect and brings up the window in the correct directory with the correct file name. On others it acts as though mfile doesn't exist and has no file name and is in a different directory, even though in debugging mfile is the same on both the computers where it works and where it doesn't. What am I missing?