How do I create a put statement using FTP and URL to transfer a file from my desktop to the Mainframe?
I attempt to do this using the following statement and apparently the Mainframe file name does not get passed...
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated ...
Here is the map rule, in the output card with the card adapter set to sink:
=PUT("FTP","-URL FTP://useridassword@URLdestination MainframeFileName ;type=A -TV C:/LogFile.txt", "C:/PCSourceFile.txt")
I get the following error within the LogFile.txt when doing this:
>501 Invalid data set name. Use MVS Dsname conventions. (F)
How do I create a put statement using FTP and URL to transfer a file from my desktop to the Mainframe?
I attempt to do this using the following statement and apparently the Mainframe file name does not get passed...
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated ...
Here is the map rule, in the output card with the card adapter set to sink:
=PUT("FTP","-URL FTP://useridassword@URLdestination MainframeFileName ;type=A -TV C:/LogFile.txt", "C:/PCSourceFile.txt")
I get the following error within the LogFile.txt when doing this:
>501 Invalid data set name. Use MVS Dsname conventions. (F)