I am using the following command, but as a result I am having some garrbage characters at the begining of the file. Can someone help on how this is happening?
It's to do with record length. If the variable being written is a variable-length string, Put writes a 2-byte descriptor containing the string length and then the variable. The record length specified by the Len clause in the Open statement must be at least 2 bytes greater than the actual length of the string.
You either need to define the variable length or (easier) open the file for Output and use Print #.
Open "c:\fred23.txt" For output As #1
Print #1, "1|" & Trim("1984")
Close #1
Rather than using a constant as the file number, check out the FreeFile function
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'If we're supposed to work in Hex, why have we only got A fingers?'
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