I have multiple MS SQL queries. I want to create an associative array with the first query. With each addtional query I want to add elements. Here is the code I'm working with (only using two queries):
Here is the result:
Here is what I would like to end up with:
I think I'm on the right rack, but any help will be appreciated.
$planning_1 = mssql_query("
select count(distinct cdc_id)as Planning_Count,office_name, 'planning jobs' as planning_jobs
FROm Projects inner join office on office.office_id = projects.office_id
Where projects.Web_publish_date is not null
and subsection_id = 4
and typeset_flag in('n','y')
and Office_name not in ('Florida Administration','California Public','Corporate','Data Quality Team','Terminations','Sacramento')
and projects.industry_id not in (787,788,789,790)
Group by Office_name
Order by Office_Name
", $db);
$final = "";
while ($row = mssql_fetch_assoc($planning_1)){
# now set the value
$planning_2 = mssql_query("
--stale planning jobs in system
select count(distinct cdc_id)as Planning_Stale,office_name, 'stale' as Stale
FROm Projects inner join office on office.office_id = projects.office_id
Where projects.Web_publish_date is not null
and datediff(day,projects.web_publish_date,getdate())>180
and subsection_id = 4
and typeset_flag in('n','y')
and Office_name not in ('Florida Administration','California Public','Corporate','Data Quality Team','Sacramento','Terminations')
and projects.industry_id not in (787,788,789,790)
and left(cdc_id,2)<>'CA'
Group by Office_name
Order by Office_Name
", $db);
while ($row_2 = mssql_fetch_assoc($planning_2)){
Here is the result:
[0] => 1562
[1] => 121
[2] => 693
[3] => 1295
[4] => 1864
[5] => 1811
[6] => 3180
[7] => 1526
[Austin Texas] => Array
[planning jobs] => 5607
[Cary NC] => Array
[planning jobs] => 7314
[Florida] => Array
[planning jobs] => 3566
[New England] => Array
[planning jobs] => 5486
[New York] => Array
[planning jobs] => 5414
[Pennsylvania] => Array
[planning jobs] => 2040
[Retail Market] => Array
[planning jobs] => 250
[Yardley Editorial] => Array
[planning jobs] => 3664
Here is what I would like to end up with:
[Austin Texas] => Array
[planning jobs] => 5607
[stale] => 1562
[Cary NC] => Array
[planning jobs] => 7314
[stale] => 121
[Florida] => Array
[planning jobs] => 3566
[stale] => 693
[New England] => Array
[planning jobs] => 5486
[stale] => 1295
[New York] => Array
[planning jobs] => 5414
[stale] => 1864
[Pennsylvania] => Array
[planning jobs] => 2040
[stale] => 1811
[Retail Market] => Array
[planning jobs] => 250
[stale] => 3180
[Yardley Editorial] => Array
[planning jobs] => 3664
[stale] => 1526
I think I'm on the right rack, but any help will be appreciated.