I have a database that is used to keep my customer information, there has been a privacy act implemented and finalised data that is 7 years old needs to be purged.
I have a table with information on a client, their purchase information and when they paid for the document, or if they took the item out on a lease / payback, when they have started and completed the payments.
Can I implement a filter that will delete any data that is finalised? (e.g. a customer "johnsmith" took out a payback scheme for 2 months on a PC on the 01-01-03, he has paid 50$ a week for 20 weeks = $1000 and has finalised the deal on the date of 01-06-03, the contract is now finalised. Can I purge this data and any associated details (his name, contact telephone, payment ammount etc) after 7 years from the date of the 01-06-03???
Is this a macro that should be built? or a function? I would like to put it on my switchboard and password protect it (the purges don't have to be dynamic, at the click of a button would be perfect) so other staff cannot access this??
Any info would be greatly appreciated, if you need further clarification on what I want to do, please ask me,
Thanks very much for reading,
I have a database that is used to keep my customer information, there has been a privacy act implemented and finalised data that is 7 years old needs to be purged.
I have a table with information on a client, their purchase information and when they paid for the document, or if they took the item out on a lease / payback, when they have started and completed the payments.
Can I implement a filter that will delete any data that is finalised? (e.g. a customer "johnsmith" took out a payback scheme for 2 months on a PC on the 01-01-03, he has paid 50$ a week for 20 weeks = $1000 and has finalised the deal on the date of 01-06-03, the contract is now finalised. Can I purge this data and any associated details (his name, contact telephone, payment ammount etc) after 7 years from the date of the 01-06-03???
Is this a macro that should be built? or a function? I would like to put it on my switchboard and password protect it (the purges don't have to be dynamic, at the click of a button would be perfect) so other staff cannot access this??
Any info would be greatly appreciated, if you need further clarification on what I want to do, please ask me,
Thanks very much for reading,