You've all been so helplful with my recent barrage of questions so I promise I only have one more then I will rest (for awhile).
I have a popup form (using acDialog) which is working fine. On load, the popup form takes two unique values from the calling form and saves this into another table. Now, when I go back to the record on the main form, instead of a new record I want to pull up the popup with the same unique values (ID1 and ID2) tied back to the main form. In the DoCmd.OpenForm I have a WhereCondition argument but unless I am mistaken it doesn't look like I can pass filter criteria in based ona join. In any case, here is the code I have so far:
In the calling subform:
Private Sub REFUND_REASON_AfterUpdate()
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
Me.ComboTestSource.RowSource = "tbl_TEST Source"
'Pass and populate XXX in the test (popup) form with OpenArgs.
'The opened form will grab the XXX value from this calling form.
Me.Dirty = False
stDocName = "frm_Input_Popup"
If IsNull(Me.XXX) = False Then
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, acNormal, , , acFormEdit, acDialog, Me.XXX
MsgBox ("Please enter a valid XXX to proceed to test entry")
End If
End If
End Sub
In the popup form:
Private Sub Form_Load()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
If IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) = False Then
Me.XXX.Value = Me.OpenArgs
'Concat the two IDs so we can tie back to the record
Me.ID1 = Forms![frm_MAINFORM]![frm_SUBform].Form.ID1
Me.ID2 = Forms![frm_MAINFORM]![frm_SUBform].Form.ID2
MsgBox "XXX is required" 'required on previous page also but just in case
Exit Sub
End If
Here is the join I have for the two tables where the main and the popup form records are saved:
SELECT dbo.popup_records.*
FROM dbo.subform_records INNER JOIN
dbo.popup_records ON dbo.subform_records.ID1 = dbo.popup_records.ID1 AND
dbo.subform_records.ID2 = dbo.popup_records.ID2
So, it seems this could be handled through the VBA code passing values between the forms or by passing the IDs to a SQL statement, but I'm not sure what the best approach is, or if perhaps there is a better way altogether.
Any help is greatly appreciated as always.
You've all been so helplful with my recent barrage of questions so I promise I only have one more then I will rest (for awhile).
I have a popup form (using acDialog) which is working fine. On load, the popup form takes two unique values from the calling form and saves this into another table. Now, when I go back to the record on the main form, instead of a new record I want to pull up the popup with the same unique values (ID1 and ID2) tied back to the main form. In the DoCmd.OpenForm I have a WhereCondition argument but unless I am mistaken it doesn't look like I can pass filter criteria in based ona join. In any case, here is the code I have so far:
In the calling subform:
Private Sub REFUND_REASON_AfterUpdate()
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
Me.ComboTestSource.RowSource = "tbl_TEST Source"
'Pass and populate XXX in the test (popup) form with OpenArgs.
'The opened form will grab the XXX value from this calling form.
Me.Dirty = False
stDocName = "frm_Input_Popup"
If IsNull(Me.XXX) = False Then
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, acNormal, , , acFormEdit, acDialog, Me.XXX
MsgBox ("Please enter a valid XXX to proceed to test entry")
End If
End If
End Sub
In the popup form:
Private Sub Form_Load()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
If IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) = False Then
Me.XXX.Value = Me.OpenArgs
'Concat the two IDs so we can tie back to the record
Me.ID1 = Forms![frm_MAINFORM]![frm_SUBform].Form.ID1
Me.ID2 = Forms![frm_MAINFORM]![frm_SUBform].Form.ID2
MsgBox "XXX is required" 'required on previous page also but just in case
Exit Sub
End If
Here is the join I have for the two tables where the main and the popup form records are saved:
SELECT dbo.popup_records.*
FROM dbo.subform_records INNER JOIN
dbo.popup_records ON dbo.subform_records.ID1 = dbo.popup_records.ID1 AND
dbo.subform_records.ID2 = dbo.popup_records.ID2
So, it seems this could be handled through the VBA code passing values between the forms or by passing the IDs to a SQL statement, but I'm not sure what the best approach is, or if perhaps there is a better way altogether.
Any help is greatly appreciated as always.