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Pulling Exchange Attributes in Win 2k3

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Jun 1, 2004
the script has two parts.

part one goes to the root domain and extracts data from the exchange servers about storage limit policies, and then writes them to a "dictionary".
It then goes through each user account, and if they have a mailbox on one of the stores, it check the value of the storage limit and writes it to a file.

Unfortunately, it only checks accounts in the root domain, but I need both root domain accounts and child domain accounts. (there are about 20 child domains at this point.) All the exchange servers are in the root domain.

I have been running it with enterprise admin rights, so there should be no problem with the rights in the child domain

Set colNamedArguments = WScript.Arguments.Named
strOutputFile = colNamedArguments.Item("f")
strNoConOutput = colNamedArguments.Item("s")
strHelp = colNamedArguments.Item("help")

'Detect help and write help text to console

Const Textmode = 1

'Get AD Path
Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE")
strDomainContext = objRootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext")
'WScript.Echo "strDomainContext: " & strDomainContext '#debug remove
strADsPath = "LDAP://" & objRootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext")
Set objDomain = GetObject(strADsPath)
Wscript.Echo strADsPath

'Setup ADODB connection
Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConnection.Open "Provider=ADsDSOObject;"
Set objCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConnection
'Modify the page size to increase or decrease number of objects retuned in the result se
objCommand.Properties("Page Size") = 1000

'Get Mailbox Stores - msExchPrivateMDB
'Execute search command to look for Organization
objCommand.CommandText = _
"<LDAP://CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration," & strDomainContext & ">" & ";(&(objectClass=msExchPrivateMDB)(!objectClass=msExchPrivateMDBPolicy))" & ";distinguishedName,name,msExchPolicyList,mDBStorageQuota,mDBOverQuotaLimit,mDBOverHardQuotaLimit" & _
'Execute search to get Recordset
Set objStoresRS = objCommand.Execute

'# If no mailboxe Stores found
WScript.Echo "AD Search for mailbox stores completed" '#debug remove
If objStoresRS.RecordCount = 0 Then
strOutput = strOutput & VbCrLf & "No Mailbox Stores found!"
WScript.Echo strOutput

' WScript.Quit
strOutput = strOutput & VbCrLf & "Mailbox Stores found: " & objStoresRS.RecordCount
WScript.Echo strOutput '#debug remove

'Create Dictionary object here
Set objStoresDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
objStoresDictionary.CompareMode = Textmode
WScript.Echo "Dictionary Created" '#debug remove

'Enumerate Stores
While Not objStoresRS.EOF
Set objStore = GetObject("LDAP://" & objStoresRS.Fields("distinguishedName") & "")
WScript.Echo "Bound to Store: " & objStore.distinguishedName
strStoreNameDictEntry = objStore.distinguishedName 'Get Store CN for Dictionary

'Check Store for Policy
If IsArray(objStoresRS.Fields("msExchPolicyList")) Then
WScript.Echo "Store has Policy!" '#debug remove
For Each strPolicyDN In objStoresRS.Fields("msExchPolicyList").value
Set objPolicy = GetObject ("LDAP://" & strPolicyDN & "")
WScript.Echo "Policy Name: " & objPolicy.cn

'Check Policy for Quota limits
If IsEmpty(objPolicy.mDBStorageQuota) Then 'mDBOverQuotaLimit mDBOverHardQuotaLimit
WScript.Echo "Policy does not have Mailbox Quota"
strStoreDictEntry = strStoreDictEntry & "#null"
WScript.Echo "Policy Mailbox Quota: " & objPolicy.mDBStorageQuota
strStoreDictEntry = strStoreDictEntry & "#" & objPolicy.mDBStorageQuota

End If

If IsEmpty(objPolicy.mDBOverQuotaLimit) Then ' mDBOverHardQuotaLimit
WScript.Echo "Policy does not have Mailbox Over Quota Limit"
strStoreDictEntry = strStoreDictEntry & "#null"
WScript.Echo "Policy Mailbox Over Quota Limit: " & objPolicy.mDBOverQuotaLimit
strStoreDictEntry = strStoreDictEntry & "#" & objPolicy.mDBOverQuotaLimit
End If

If IsEmpty(objPolicy.mDBOverHardQuotaLimit) Then '
WScript.Echo "Policy does not have Mailbox Over Hard Quota Limit"
strStoreDictEntry = strStoreDictEntry & "#null"
WScript.Echo "Policy Mailbox Over Hard Quota Limit: " & objPolicy.mDBOverHardQuotaLimit
strStoreDictEntry = strStoreDictEntry & "#" & objPolicy.mDBOverHardQuotaLimit
End If
'End Policy Quota Check

strStoreDictEntry = strStoreDictEntry & "#Policy" & "#" & objPolicy.cn
objStoresDictionary.Add strStoreNameDictEntry, strStoreDictEntry
' WScript.Echo "Dict count: " & objStoresDictionary.Count

Next 'Move to Next Policy

WScript.Echo "#No Policy" '#debug remove
'Check Store Quotas Here

If IsEmpty(objStore.mDBStorageQuota) Then 'mDBOverQuotaLimit mDBOverHardQuotaLimit
WScript.Echo "Store does not have Mailbox Quota"
strStoreDictEntry = strStoreDictEntry & "#null"
WScript.Echo "Store Mailbox Quota: " & objStore.mDBStorageQuota
strStoreDictEntry = strStoreDictEntry & "#" & objStore.mDBStorageQuota
End If

If IsEmpty(objStore.mDBOverQuotaLimit) Then ' mDBOverHardQuotaLimit
WScript.Echo "Store does not have Mailbox Over Quota Limit"
strStoreDictEntry = strStoreDictEntry & "#null"
WScript.Echo "Store Mailbox Over Quota Limit: " & objStore.mDBOverQuotaLimit
strStoreDictEntry = strStoreDictEntry & "#" & objStore.mDBOverQuotaLimit
End If

If IsEmpty(objStore.mDBOverHardQuotaLimit) Then '
WScript.Echo "Store does not have Mailbox Over Hard Quota Limit"
strStoreDictEntry = strStoreDictEntry & "#null"
WScript.Echo "Store Mailbox Over Hard Quota Limit: " & objStore.mDBOverHardQuotaLimit
strStoreDictEntry = strStoreDictEntry & "#" & objStore.mDBOverHardQuotaLimit
End If
'End Store Quota Check

strStoreDictEntry = strStoreDictEntry & "#Store#"
WScript.Echo "dictStoreNameDictEntry: Key:" & strStoreNameDictEntry & " - strStoreDictEntry: " & strStoreDictEntry
objStoresDictionary.Add strStoreNameDictEntry, strStoreDictEntry

End If 'End Check for Policy
' WScript.Echo "DictionaryEntry: " & strStoreDictEntry '#debug remove
WScript.Echo "Stores in Dictionary: " & objStoresDictionary.Count
strStoreNameDictEntry = Null
strStoreDictEntry = Null

WScript.Echo "----------------------"

End If

'Part 2 of script - checks users
'Execute search command to look for Organization
objCommand.CommandText = _
"<" & strADsPath & ">" & ";(&(objectClass=user)(homeMDB=*)(!CN=SystemMailbox{*}))" & ";distinguishedName,name,mDBStorageQuota,mDBOverQuotaLimit,mDBOverHardQuotaLimit" & _
'Execute search to get Recordset
Set objUsersRS = objCommand.Execute
strOutput = strOutput & VbCrLf & strTitle & VbCrLf & "===================================="

'# If no mailboxes found
If objUsersRS.RecordCount = 0 Then
WScript.Echo "No mailboxes found!"

' WriteFile
strOutput = strOutput & VbCrLf & "Mailboxes found: " & objUsersRS.RecordCount
strOutput = strOutput & VbCrLf & "--------------------------" & VbCrLf
strOutput = strOutput & "All limits are in Kilobytes (KB)" & VbCrLf
strOutput = strOutput & "User#Store#Limit#Stop Send (mDBOverQuota)#Stop Receive (mDBOverHardQuotaLimit)#Set On#Policy Name" & VbCrLf
While Not objUsersRS.EOF

'# Check if mailbox bypasses Store/Policy limits
Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & objUsersRS.Fields("distinguishedName") & "")

'Get users' homeMDB
strHomeMDB = objUser.homeMDB
Set objHomeMDB = GetObject("LDAP://" & strHomeMDB & "")
strHomeMDBCn = objHomeMDB.distinguishedName

'# Check if User does not have default limits (does not bypass Store/Policy)
If objUser.mDBUseDefaults Then
strUserStatus = strUserLimit & objUser.displayName & "#"
'Check Dictionary for Store
If objStoresDictionary.Exists(strHomeMDBCn) Then
' WScript.Echo "Exists"
strToAdd =strHomeMDBCn & objStoresDictionary.Item(strHomeMDBCn)
' WScript.Echo "strToAdd: " & strToAdd
strUserStatus = strUserStatus & strToAdd

WScript.Echo "Store does not exist in Dictionary"

End If

In part 2, you've this.
> 'Part 2 of script - checks users
'Execute search command to look for Organization
objCommand.CommandText = _
"<" & strADsPath & ">" & ";(&(objectClass=user)(homeMDB=*)(!CN=SystemMailbox{*}))" & ";distinguishedName,name,mDBStorageQuota,mDBOverQuotaLimit,mDBOverHardQuotaLimit" & _

Search instead the global catalog.
'Part 2 of script - checks users
'Execute search command to look for Organization
objCommand.CommandText = _
"<" & [red]"GC://" & objRootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext")[/red] & ">" & ";(&(objectClass=user)(homeMDB=*)(!CN=SystemMailbox{*}))" & ";distinguishedName,name,mDBStorageQuota,mDBOverQuotaLimit,mDBOverHardQuotaLimit" & _
Further notes

After taking a second look of the filter, I think there are attributes not included as being replicated by default. Hence, the line would not be exactly right. The strategy has to be modified and it would be loosely like this:
[li]search the global catelog for class user and category person[/li]
[li]return user's distinguished name[/li]
[li]bind again to users via the dn[/li]
[li]excluding those users without homeMDB set etc, ie, observing the conditions imposed on (homeMDB=*)(!CN=SystemMailbox{*}) (whatever it means).[/li]
[li]retrieve those attributes (mDBStorageQuota etc...) of interest[/li]
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Part and Inventory Search

