I'm working with Crystal 8.0 and I'm pulling data from a SQL 6.x database. At this time I can pull data for 3 groupings. Once I try to access data for a friday, or basically every friday, I get data for 2 groupings. The 3 groupings are included in the report, and I'm using the select expert to just choose a date field to select by.
I have accessed the database manually to make sure all the data is in there for every friday. And it is in there.
Does anyone have any idea on how/why it will not pull data for a friday?
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. My team is stumped on this one.
I have accessed the database manually to make sure all the data is in there for every friday. And it is in there.
Does anyone have any idea on how/why it will not pull data for a friday?
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. My team is stumped on this one.