I have the following code for a pull down menu in my html. I added target="_blank" in the action as I want the contents of my selection to appear in a new window not the same window. Unfortunatly adding this doesn't work. Could you tell me what script I need to add? Thank-you
<form action=" method="post" target="_blank" name="nav2">
<div><select onChange=
document.nav2.url.options[document.nav2.url.selectedIndex].value" name="url">
<option value=" selected="selected">Please select a Stellarton By-Law:</option>
<option value="pdfs/bicycles.pdf">Bicycles</option>
<option value="pdfs/circuses.pdf">Circus</option>
<option value="pdfs/dogs.pdf">Dogs</option>
<form action=" method="post" target="_blank" name="nav2">
<div><select onChange=
document.nav2.url.options[document.nav2.url.selectedIndex].value" name="url">
<option value=" selected="selected">Please select a Stellarton By-Law:</option>
<option value="pdfs/bicycles.pdf">Bicycles</option>
<option value="pdfs/circuses.pdf">Circus</option>
<option value="pdfs/dogs.pdf">Dogs</option>