I had no idea this forum existed, PRAISE THE LORD... PLEASE HELP ME!!!
I have an excel spreadsheet that I created for automatically creating sweater and robe patterns....
Now y'all may not be crocheters however... the user enters in a lot of info... how many stitcher per inch their test swatch is as well as how many rows per inch...
They then enter the measurements they want in a finished garment and magically (after I figured out all of the formulas) at the bottom, is a calculated pattern, geared to THEIR crocheting tensions, because they measure their own test piece that they created.... PRETTY COOL...
I CANNOT get this thing to post on the web. If I save it from Excel as a webpage. If I do NOT check Interactive, then it will post to the web just swimmingly. BUT, I WANT the interactivity... I want the user to be able to input what their data is... if I choose interactivity, then publish... I get an image marker on the page and that is all.
If I do not choose interactivity, when it saves it also saves a _files folder with a graphic and I forget the other file... but that's when it works on the web, but with no user input.
PLEASE HELP... I'm at my WITS END here...
Is this something I should be doing with Javascript or something and if so... heaven help me.... I know NOTHING except how to copy/paste JS :/
Thanks in advance...
Laurie K
I have an excel spreadsheet that I created for automatically creating sweater and robe patterns....
Now y'all may not be crocheters however... the user enters in a lot of info... how many stitcher per inch their test swatch is as well as how many rows per inch...
They then enter the measurements they want in a finished garment and magically (after I figured out all of the formulas) at the bottom, is a calculated pattern, geared to THEIR crocheting tensions, because they measure their own test piece that they created.... PRETTY COOL...
I CANNOT get this thing to post on the web. If I save it from Excel as a webpage. If I do NOT check Interactive, then it will post to the web just swimmingly. BUT, I WANT the interactivity... I want the user to be able to input what their data is... if I choose interactivity, then publish... I get an image marker on the page and that is all.
If I do not choose interactivity, when it saves it also saves a _files folder with a graphic and I forget the other file... but that's when it works on the web, but with no user input.
PLEASE HELP... I'm at my WITS END here...
Is this something I should be doing with Javascript or something and if so... heaven help me.... I know NOTHING except how to copy/paste JS :/
Thanks in advance...
Laurie K