Working with a data base that, for some reason stores currency as text fields separated with semi-colons(
. A field (column) will look somthing like this: 7.50;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 , where the first 4 characters represent a dollar amount. The value will either be a zero or some dollar value, the string never starts with a semi-colon I am only interested in looking and the first dollar value-$7.50 in the example.
I have created a function that spins through the field till it hits the first ; , then returns the value as currency. Here is the code:
Public Function RecFees(Fees As String) As Currency
Dim L As Integer
L = 1
For L = 1 To Len(Fees)
'Look for the colon
If Left(Fees, L) = ";" Then
RecFees = Left(Fees, L - 1)
Exit For
End If
Next L
End Function
When I test in the immediate window I get 0, which is wrong.
If I try to run a query i get undfined function RecFees.
I think I neet to convert the text to currency in the function, bit I can't make it work.
Any help wiuld be greatly appreciated.
I have created a function that spins through the field till it hits the first ; , then returns the value as currency. Here is the code:
Public Function RecFees(Fees As String) As Currency
Dim L As Integer
L = 1
For L = 1 To Len(Fees)
'Look for the colon
If Left(Fees, L) = ";" Then
RecFees = Left(Fees, L - 1)
Exit For
End If
Next L
End Function
When I test in the immediate window I get 0, which is wrong.
If I try to run a query i get undfined function RecFees.
I think I neet to convert the text to currency in the function, bit I can't make it work.
Any help wiuld be greatly appreciated.