Program Temporary Fix. A temporary solution or by-pass of a problem diagnosed by IBM as resulting from a defect in a current unaltered release of the program. A report of a problem caused by a suspected defect in a current unaltered release of a program.
Authorized Program Analysis Report. A report of a problem caused by a suspected defect in a current unaltered release of a program.
Most people use PTF and APAR interchangably (is that even a word???) PTF's have the word temporary in them but really are not temporary. They are just a patch. Now a temporary patch would be an e-fix that you would get directly from IBM. e-fixes need to be uninstalled before applying maintenance since the ML will not install with an e-fix in place. The terminology is confusing but just think of both PTF's and APAR's as patches. There could be some sort of technical difference between the two but it doesn't matter to us non-IBMers.
An APAR is (as stated before) an Authorized Problem Analysis Report - IBM acknowledges that there is some sort of defect in a software program. This report sums up the problem and instructs the software lab to fix it. (IXnnnnn or IYnnnnn number - and not before long I guess IZnnnnn)
A PTF is (again as before) a Program Temporary Fix and provides a solution for a problem. (Unnnnnn number for AIX) I guess the U is for UNIX).
When looking for a fix on the IBM site you can look for an APAR number or the corresponding PTF number, either way, you'll find one or more filesets at one or more version numbers to download and install to fix a defect (and - hopefully not - introduce many more ;-) ).
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