ADO 2.8
PSQL 9.1
winXP SP2 or win2000 SP4
I have an app that worked well with Pervasive 2000i through V8.7 with no major syntax changes required. I have upgraded my test machine to PSQL 9.1 and receive the following error.
-2147217887 Multiple Step operation generated errors. Check each status value.
This error seems to occur ONLY with disconnected recordsets and occurs anytime I try to assign a value to any field (data type is correct). Is there something I need to add to the recordset definition? Do disconnected recordsets work with PSQL 9.1?
Here is my recordset code
The .Addnew method works and the .recordcount increases but as soon as I assign a value the error occurs. As on the code below.
Any information would be great.
ADO 2.8
PSQL 9.1
winXP SP2 or win2000 SP4
I have an app that worked well with Pervasive 2000i through V8.7 with no major syntax changes required. I have upgraded my test machine to PSQL 9.1 and receive the following error.
-2147217887 Multiple Step operation generated errors. Check each status value.
This error seems to occur ONLY with disconnected recordsets and occurs anytime I try to assign a value to any field (data type is correct). Is there something I need to add to the recordset definition? Do disconnected recordsets work with PSQL 9.1?
Here is my recordset code
Set rsDetail = New ADODB.Recordset
rsDetail.CursorLocation = adUseClient
l_strSQl = "SELECT * FROM Details WHERE (QuoteID =" & pQuoteID & ") ORDER BY Line"
rsDetail.Open l_strSQl, qmCONN, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
rsDetail.ActiveConnection = Nothing
rsDetail.Fields("Line") = 1
Any information would be great.