Provisioning inbound only toll free ISDN PRIs in trunk group in Avaya S8700. Want to be able to route the call to my call center's vdn and later may need to change that vdn to a different number. Know I can delete the digits AT&T sends and insert digits (ie; my vdn) but my question is what digits do I tell AT&T to outpulse? Since I'm deleting them I know it doesn't really matter what the digits are but for this config, is there a recommended standard setup such as telling AT&T to outpulse 9999 or 0000? Any help appreciated. I could set it up with last 5 of TF# like below but wasn't sure if this is best?
Service Called Called Del Insert Per Call
Feature Len Number CPN/BN
other 5 46328 5 45232 none
Service Called Called Del Insert Per Call
Feature Len Number CPN/BN
other 5 46328 5 45232 none