We have a customer that has a Magix system but they are using older MLX style phones. It is a multi bldg. environment in need of proper lightning protection for IROB extensions. I have a full understanding of proper protection (primary and secondary) and grounding but need ideas on modules. I do not want to use Panamax DS2 protectors because I would have to fill up the wall in order to accomodate all out of bldg. extensions. These modules properly protect MLX sets w/ a clamping voltage of 70V on pins 3&6 and 110V on 4&5 (if I remember correctly). I would like to use the larger DS25 module and cut the equip. and line side down on 66 or 110 but this module provides protection with a clamping voltage of 110V on all prs. Is this adequate protection for MLX sets. I don't want to do pr. by pr. protection because they have several analog or single sets out of bldg as well and don't want a tech. mixing up prot. modules. Sorry for the full page letter, I guess I hang out with too many salesman and don't know when to shut up. Any input is appreciated.