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Proprietary Wireless

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Aug 8, 2002

Simple question,

We are contemplating the idea of adding a hotspot to some of our stores. I was wondering if we buy an AP are these devices proprietary to certian wireless nic cards or can I buy one. I guess in theory they all should work because of the 802.11x standards but just wanted some input.

Due to the standard, if you get stuff that is all 802.11x, then it should all work together. We use Cisco 350 series stuff, and SmartBridges equipment here.. and it all works very well. Maybe you can try that.
802.11a doesn't talk to 802.11b. for example, an end user equipped with a 802.11a NIC will not be able to connect with a 802.11b AP. The 802.11 standard offers no provisions for interoperability between the different physical layers. to fix this problem is multimode radio cards that support multiple 802.11 PHYs, such as 802.11a/b, 802.11a/g, etc As a result, a 802.11a/b radio within a end user device will automatically sense whether the AP is 802.11a or 802.11b and then communicate accordingly. also, an AP can also use a dual 802.11a/b solution, enabling interoperability with end user devices equipped with either an 802.11a or 802.11b radio.

hope this helps you out. "Jack of all trades. Master of none."
When I posted, I assumed that you would have known that x is the same variable across the board.. not saying a and b work together..

but everything, say, 802.11a would work together..

sorry for the confusion.
I will look around for a AP that supports mulitple revisions. I guess it will be a while before they actually decide on one standard [sad]. Thanks for the help!

Dlink offers a great router which supports but A and B standards.
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