I am tinkering with property editors and comonent editors
for my custom components and I plan to use complex dialogs
for editing certain properties and components as whole. I already know how to override Edit() but I seem to be having difficulty getting the dialog box to work right.
Right now I have managed to get a form or frame to appear upon clicking the edit button but sometimes when I go to compile the test package that contains the editor/editee c++ builder crashes.
void __fastcall TXEditor::Edit()
// TForm2 only contains 1 TStaticText child
// I used NULL so dialog would be independent of
// main form
TForm2* Diag1=new TForm2(NULL);
It Says "Address Blah-Blah-Blah cannot be read". If you need the address let me know.
for my custom components and I plan to use complex dialogs
for editing certain properties and components as whole. I already know how to override Edit() but I seem to be having difficulty getting the dialog box to work right.
Right now I have managed to get a form or frame to appear upon clicking the edit button but sometimes when I go to compile the test package that contains the editor/editee c++ builder crashes.
void __fastcall TXEditor::Edit()
// TForm2 only contains 1 TStaticText child
// I used NULL so dialog would be independent of
// main form
TForm2* Diag1=new TForm2(NULL);
It Says "Address Blah-Blah-Blah cannot be read". If you need the address let me know.