What is the code for converting all lower case or all upper case into 1st letter capitalize in a form. Also, will this store the data in a table in proper case format?
Option Compare Database<br>
Option Explicit<br>
Public Function CapAllFirst(FValue)<br>
'Capitalize the first letter of all words in a field value and convert<br>
' all other letters to lowercase<br>
Dim Here, NewValue As String<br>
Dim Spot As Integer, Wordstart As Boolean<br>
Wordstart = True<br>
NewValue = CStr(FValue)<br>
For Spot = 1 To Len(FValue)<br>
Here = Mid(NewValue, Spot, 1)<br>
If Here = " " Then<br>
Wordstart = True<br>
If Wordstart Then<br>
Mid(NewValue, Spot, 1) = UCase(Mid(NewValue, Spot, 1))<br>
Wordstart = False<br>
Mid(NewValue, Spot, 1) = LCase(Mid(NewValue, Spot, 1))<br>
End If<br>
End If<br>
Next Spot<br>
CapAllFirst = NewValue<br>
End Function<br>
This is also a Module that will Capitalize the first letter of a text Box, then all you have to do is under AfterUpdate for a text box to put for example CapAll(State). This would capitalize the first letter for the state under the state AfterUpdate property.
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