Hey there,
I'm trying to get some data security via using the PromptEX functionality that is referenced in their wed developers guide. Now I see that in lots of places people have used it, and Crystal claims that indeed, it is safe and sound in CE 10. But I feel like Rodney Dangerfield here. I ain't getting no respect.
I've tried updating the URL and running it, but no dice. I used a URL like this:
But no luck.
I tried updating the file rptviewer.csp to include this promptex parameter as a hidden parameter, but nothing seemed to help.
It's the last line of the form:
So anyone got an ideas of what's going on here? Working with the processing extensions is looking ugly. I've got it working pretty well but cannot easily get information into the pe from an outside source.
All suggestions are welcomed.
I'm trying to get some data security via using the PromptEX functionality that is referenced in their wed developers guide. Now I see that in lots of places people have used it, and Crystal claims that indeed, it is safe and sound in CE 10. But I feel like Rodney Dangerfield here. I ain't getting no respect.
I've tried updating the URL and running it, but no dice. I used a URL like this:
But no luck.
I tried updating the file rptviewer.csp to include this promptex parameter as a hidden parameter, but nothing seemed to help.
var url;
if ( IsWin32Server() && ( strViewer.search(/html_interactive/i) != -1 ) )
url = "viewreport_ia.csp?init=connect&id=" + reportNumber;
else if ( IsWin32Server() && ( strViewer.search(/html/i) != -1 ) )
url = "viewreport.csp?init=connect&id=" + reportNumber;
url = "viewrpt.cwr?id=" + reportNumber;
var sf = Request.QueryString.Item("sf");
if (sf.Count != 0)
url += "&sf=" + Server.URLEncode(sf);
Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>" + vbCRLF);
Response.Write("function init() { document.forms['viewForm'].submit(); }" + vbCRLF);
Response.Write("</script>" + vbCRLF);
Response.Write("<form name='viewForm' method='post' action='" + url + "'>" + vbCRLF);
Response.Write("<input type='hidden' name='apstoken' value=\"" + Server.HTMLEncode(strToken) + "\">" + vbCRLF);
Response.Write("<input type='hidden' name='init' value=\"" + Server.HTMLEncode(strViewer+":connect") + "\">" + vbCRLF);
Response.Write("<input type='hidden' name='promptex-viewer' value='1003'>" + vbCRLF);
Response.Write("</form>" + vbCRLF);
It's the last line of the form:
Response.Write("<input type='hidden' name='promptex-viewer' value='1003'>" + vbCRLF);
So anyone got an ideas of what's going on here? Working with the processing extensions is looking ugly. I've got it working pretty well but cannot easily get information into the pe from an outside source.
All suggestions are welcomed.