I keep getting prompted to enter a value for a field when I run a report. In my sql I'm joining on two tables with a common field of a recipient id field. This is what I'm prompted to enter--the recipient id.
The query selects records from other queries. This is the query below. Does anyone know why this would happen?
"SELECT qryGetLessthanMaxDateRecs.*, qryGetMaxDateRecs.*, qryGetLessthanMaxDateRecs.fld_Status, qryGetMaxDateRecs.fld_Status
FROM qryGetMaxDateRecs INNER JOIN qryGetLessthanMaxDateRecs ON qryGetMaxDateRecs.fld_RID = qryGetLessthanMaxDateRecs.fld_RID
WHERE (((qryGetMaxDateRecs.fld_Status)<>[qryGetLessthanMaxDateRecs]![fld_Status]));"
I keep getting prompted to enter a value for a field when I run a report. In my sql I'm joining on two tables with a common field of a recipient id field. This is what I'm prompted to enter--the recipient id.
The query selects records from other queries. This is the query below. Does anyone know why this would happen?
"SELECT qryGetLessthanMaxDateRecs.*, qryGetMaxDateRecs.*, qryGetLessthanMaxDateRecs.fld_Status, qryGetMaxDateRecs.fld_Status
FROM qryGetMaxDateRecs INNER JOIN qryGetLessthanMaxDateRecs ON qryGetMaxDateRecs.fld_RID = qryGetLessthanMaxDateRecs.fld_RID
WHERE (((qryGetMaxDateRecs.fld_Status)<>[qryGetLessthanMaxDateRecs]![fld_Status]));"