As far as the 1st question goes, one way is to insert a HTML item on your prompt page using some (or all) of the following code. This code in addition for checking date sequence also provide default values for the 2 dates.
var cntlName;
function right(str, n){
if (n <= 0)
return "";
else if (n > String(str).length)
return str;
else {
var iLen = String(str).length;
return String(str).substring(iLen, iLen - n);
function customCheckPage(){
var par1;
var par2;
for( var i=0; i<preProcessControlArray.length; i++){
cntlName = eval(preProcessControlArray);
if ( == 'p_fromdate' ){
eval('pickerControl' + cntlName.m_sRef + '.lostFocus()');
par1 = cntlName.m_oForm.value;
if ( == 'p_thrudate' ){
eval('pickerControl' + cntlName.m_sRef + '.lostFocus()');
par2 = cntlName.m_oForm.value;
if (par1<=par2)
alert('FROM DATE parameter must be smaller than or equal to TO DATE parameter!');
for( var i=0; i<pageNavigationObserverArray.length; i++){
cntlName = eval( pageNavigationObserverArray );
if(cntlName.m_oParent.onclick.toString().indexOf('promptButtonFinish()')>0 ){
cntlName.m_oParent.onclick = customCheckPage;
for( var i=0; i<preProcessControlArray.length; i++){
cntlName = eval(preProcessControlArray);
dw = new Date();
dt = new Date( dw - 1*86400000);
df = new Date( dw - 7*86400000);
if ( == 'p_fromdate' ){
cntlName.m_oEditBox.value = df.getFullYear()
+ '-' + right('0'+(1+df.getMonth()),2)
+ '-' + right('0'+df.getDate(),2);
eval('pickerControl' + cntlName.m_sRef + '.lostFocus()');
if ( == 'p_thrudate' ){
cntlName.m_oEditBox.value = dt.getFullYear()
+ '-' + right('0'+(1+dt.getMonth()),2)
+ '-' + right('0'+dt.getDate(),2);
eval('pickerControl' + cntlName.m_sRef + '.lostFocus()');
The Javascript above references your 2 dates as 'p_' plus your actual prompt names. In this example my dates on the prompt page are 'fromdate' & 'thrudate' and referenced in the script as 'p_fromdate' & 'p_thrudate'
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