I'm Using an ODBC script that utilizes a SQL statement (as shown below). What's happening is, if the user types in an incorrect 'Order #' then the ODBC link disconnects,the user then has to click off the ODBC command button, then turn it back on; this happens by default due the Shipping Software packing I support. At any rate, I want my script to prompt (i.e. input box) the user for the number EVERY TIME until the order # is equal to the number in the order table, how can I do this in SQL.
Thanks a million and Happy Holidays.
My script as followed:
Select Distinct !!ordernum!!, !!barcode!!, !!custnum!!, !!CoName!!, !!CustContac!!,!!ADD1!!, !!city!!, !!state!!, !!zip!!, !!country!!, !!ShipVia!!,!!ponum!!, !!phonenum!! ,!!faxnum!!,!!SENDFAX!!,!!CONTROLFAX!!, !!FORM!! From ToAscent ToAscent Where (!!barcode!! = '!!input!!')
Thanks a million and Happy Holidays.
My script as followed:
Select Distinct !!ordernum!!, !!barcode!!, !!custnum!!, !!CoName!!, !!CustContac!!,!!ADD1!!, !!city!!, !!state!!, !!zip!!, !!country!!, !!ShipVia!!,!!ponum!!, !!phonenum!! ,!!faxnum!!,!!SENDFAX!!,!!CONTROLFAX!!, !!FORM!! From ToAscent ToAscent Where (!!barcode!! = '!!input!!')