I have a method which works perfectly fine to export office web charts to gif and save them on the c drive or a drive which i allow the user to specify.
i am NOW being told that this isn't good enough and i need a 'save as' dialog box to pop up to browse through the users directory so they can choose teh location..
Can't find any information on this on the net. Any ideas?
Badly stuck
This method i have so far is as follows:
Sub export()
On Error Resume Next
answer = MsgBox("Would you like the image saved on your C drive? "&vbcrlf&"Click ""No"" to specify location",3)
If not Err then
if( answer = 7) then
typed_location = InputBox("Enter location of file e.g. H:/ Default is C:/ ")
if(typed_location <> "") then
picturename = typed_location & "faultPrsChart"&Day(Date)&"_"&Month(Date)&"_"&Year(date)&".gif"
ChartSpace1.ExportPicture picturename, "gif", 600, 350
if Err = 0 then
end if
end if
elseif answer = 6 then
picturename = "C:\faultPrsChart"&Day(Date)&"_"&Month(Date)&"_"&Year(date)&".gif"
'alert( Err )
ChartSpace1.ExportPicture picturename, "gif", 600, 350
if Err = 0 then
end if
end if
end if
End Sub
i am NOW being told that this isn't good enough and i need a 'save as' dialog box to pop up to browse through the users directory so they can choose teh location..
Can't find any information on this on the net. Any ideas?
Badly stuck
This method i have so far is as follows:
Sub export()
On Error Resume Next
answer = MsgBox("Would you like the image saved on your C drive? "&vbcrlf&"Click ""No"" to specify location",3)
If not Err then
if( answer = 7) then
typed_location = InputBox("Enter location of file e.g. H:/ Default is C:/ ")
if(typed_location <> "") then
picturename = typed_location & "faultPrsChart"&Day(Date)&"_"&Month(Date)&"_"&Year(date)&".gif"
ChartSpace1.ExportPicture picturename, "gif", 600, 350
if Err = 0 then
end if
end if
elseif answer = 6 then
picturename = "C:\faultPrsChart"&Day(Date)&"_"&Month(Date)&"_"&Year(date)&".gif"
'alert( Err )
ChartSpace1.ExportPicture picturename, "gif", 600, 350
if Err = 0 then
end if
end if
end if
End Sub