I'm using the below script to prompt a user to save once the exit button is clicked.
<script type="text/javascript">
function SavePopup(sender, args) {
args.set_cancel(!window.confirm("Do You Need to Save This Data ?"));
What I need to do is check if the save button is enabled before firing off the script. Not sure how to do that. Save button is called b2 So if b2 is enabled run the script and if b2 is NOT enabled, ignore the script.
Any help would be appreciated
<script type="text/javascript">
function SavePopup(sender, args) {
args.set_cancel(!window.confirm("Do You Need to Save This Data ?"));
What I need to do is check if the save button is enabled before firing off the script. Not sure how to do that. Save button is called b2 So if b2 is enabled run the script and if b2 is NOT enabled, ignore the script.
Any help would be appreciated