GG - I've seen this in a recent ElementK monthly rag somewhere - I think you want to graft a Like("*" guy as an ORed part of your where-clause:
Select ....
where xxx = [Enter something] or
wehre XXX LIKE("*"
or something like that.I have to run to an off-site meeting but this should get you started.
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This is what I found out so far. The “*” does not work (returns no records). Changing the SELECT criteria works when you don’t have a value, but when you enter a value it returns all records, rather than the ones specified by the prompt. If I could figure out how to detect if the prompt is null, I might be able to lick the problem.
In the field that you want the prompt to be for enter something like this in the criteria line:
[TYPE Member Key or press ENTER for ALL]
where "Member Key" is the name of the field that you want to prompt for.
Then set up a calculated field that will look something like this:
On the "Field" line
Expr1: [TYPE Member Key or press ENTER for ALL
again - "Member Key" would be replaced with the name of the field you are prompting for.
Then in the "Or" portion of the criteria line for the calculated field type:
Is Null
Now when the user is prompted for Member Key (or whatever name you give the field) they can either type in a value or if they want all records, press enter.
Your suggestion worked! For the sake of clarifying for others, I had to put [Member Key] in the Criteria row for the expression in design view of the query. I tried experimenting by putting a wildcard in the prompt, but that didn’t work.
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