We got an "old" Proliant ML530 server with windows 2000 server. Recently it has started beeping with regular intervals. It beeps for a couple of seconds and then it is quiet 20 seconds.
And this is when the server is up and running. I cannot find any errorlogs, no nothing. All the fans seems to be running fine, serverroom temp is fine.
The server runs fine, it just the annoying beeping. I have no clue...
We got an "old" Proliant ML530 server with windows 2000 server. Recently it has started beeping with regular intervals. It beeps for a couple of seconds and then it is quiet 20 seconds.
And this is when the server is up and running. I cannot find any errorlogs, no nothing. All the fans seems to be running fine, serverroom temp is fine.
The server runs fine, it just the annoying beeping. I have no clue...